Sunday, January 4, 2009

Chicken fried rice: epic fail

I hit a bump in the culinary road tonight. I tried to recreate my mother-in-law's chicken fried rice, which is pretty much my idea of Chinese food heaven: fluffy rice married with crispy vegetables and only a smidge of chicken, topped with plenty of chopped scallions, and - most importantly - not greasy AT ALL. I've never been much of a Chinese food fan because everything is so oily and the MSG makes me thirsty like an untreated diabetic, but MIL's rice is scrumptious. Too bad mine came out nothing like it.

I'm pretty sure my minimal forethought and lack of ingredients are to blame. I had fresh zucchini, onion and yellow and red peppers on hand, but no scallions or soy sauce. The end result was ok in my opinion - certainly not what I'd call slop or throw away, but strangely, Hubs loved it and promptly ate three bowls. The major lesson I took away? Scramble the egg separately and add to the rice mixture at the end. Trust me. I'm going to ask MIL for her recipe and give it another shot soon.

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