It's Friday, and that means I woke up just wanting to play! Damn this work stuff. Occasionally, I'll allow myself a Friday indulgence: a grande nonfat latte from Starbucks, something I cut out from my routine a long time ago. (Sidenote: don't underestimate the latte factor; David Bach was really onto something). But since I don't have coffee to keep me happy this morning, I moved on to Guilty Pleasure #2 - celebrity blogs. I love Go Fug Yourself, which is linked at the bottom of this page, and Jezebel, although Jezebel is really pop-culture, not just Hollywood trash. I normally reserve the latter for when I'm sitting under the dryer at my hairstylist - thanks T, for having such an eclecic selection of smut to choose from!
Moving on. I realized all of these blogs and magazines are spamming off each other, because there's an obvious homogeny to them. To wit:
Jennifer Aniston has a major chip on her shoulder about Brad and Ang, not newsworthy. But she's already moved past the five stages of grief over her and Brad's divorce so she's, well, lost her mind and is posing nude for GQ. (No comment other than, girl's got a set of fierce abs! And that we can all agree on.) Also mentions "cougars" a lot in interviews.
Jessica Alba apparently never had much of a sense of humor, but now she's unsmiling AND has a set of pretty tragic bangs, which for some reason remind me of the raspy-voiced mutt, Peg, from
Lady and the Tramp
Lindsay Lohan is a NOT a lesbian. Yawn.
Oprah is "embarrassed" to have gained 40 pounds in the past year. Sorry, did I fall asleep and it's 1996? Also, Oprah must be a masochist because the January issue of "O" features a "before" Oprah, with what must be Photoshopped abs, next to the current 200-pound Oprah. I've heard of dubious motivational tools like putting a fat picture on the refrigerator, but damn, an entire magazine cover?
Tom Cruise has a new movie coming out, so that must be why he's making amends with everyone he's managed to offend or scare with his Zulu-mind control theories, including Matt Lauer and Brooke Shields.
The girls from
The Hills
have cool-but-fake jobs at places like Diane von Furstenberg to match their cool-but-fake lives.
Heath Ledger has been nominated posthumously for an Oscar, which I think is fabulous. Hubs and I have watched
The Dark Knight on our new pimp TV and Blueray for the past three nights. Yes, I realize that seems excessive but a) Heath is amazing in the role of the Joker and b) we've fallen into a hypnotic state by the new TV. (And c) Christian Bale is definitely a face to see right before you fall asleep!) I hope he wins.
It's back to the salt mines for me. Happy Friday!